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Health Benefits of Peppermint

Many of us already know about the numerous health benefits of peppermint. We have heard it’s good for the throat, good for digestion and so on. However, few of us are aware of its ability to treat yeast infections. Have you ever heard that mint can be an anti-fungal agent? Well, the oil from this herb can! And it may help you get rid of those yeast infections too!

Major health benefits of peppermint

So what are the potential health benefits of peppermint oil? According to a recent study published in Clinical Trials, peppermint oil contains a natural compound called carvacrol (a compound with two carbon atoms and four hydrogen atoms). What does this mean? It means that the oil contains a form of vitamin A that is not commonly found in commercial varieties of vitamin A. The clinical trials also discovered that peppermint oil has at least four times the concentration of flavonoids (the compounds that create the flavor) than the majority of commercial varieties.

One of the primary health benefits of peppermint oil is its anti-inflammatory properties. It has been used for years as a natural remedy to alleviate upset stomach and some digestive problems. In fact, it is one of the most widely used herbal remedies throughout the world. Peppermint tea is often recommended for those who are suffering from gas and indigestion. In addition, peppermint tea is also used to treat a number of digestive problems, including irritable bowel syndrome, colitis, and colon cancer.

Peppermint oil is also known for its ability to relieve and prevent nausea and vomiting. Because it has a cooling effect, it can effectively treat heartburn and upset stomach. If you have a problem with gas or indigestion, then a nice swipe of peppermint tea can really help you to ease your discomfort. If you take a regular swipe on a cotton swab, you can find relief quickly and without having to suffer with side effects.

In addition to its use in treating digestive issues, there are a number of other health benefits associated with peppermint oil. For example, it has been shown to be a beneficial treatment for depression. For people with chronic anxiety, it can offer relief and may actually lower the frequency of an episode. Peppermint tea and peppermint oil do not make good candidates for diuretics. Diuretics are medications that are designed to keep fluid levels in your body normal. If you take a swipe of peppermint tea and then drink another, you will not be putting yourself in danger of dehydration.

Menthol is another one of the potential health benefits of peppermint. Menthol has been found to have antispasmodic and prostrate nerve effects that can help to relieve bladder and bowel problems, and it can also relieve cough and cold symptoms. Some people with asthma benefit from inhaling peppermint steam because of its natural effect on bronchial tubes. It has been found to be less irritating than menthol cigarettes.

One of the final of the many health benefits of peppermint may be its antibacterial properties. The anti-bacterial action of menthol has been studied in humans, and it appears to reduce the incidence of urinary tract infections by E. coli. Further studies are ongoing, but the preliminary evidence is impressive and seems to support the idea that peppermint may be useful as an antibacterial agent.

Considering all of the possible health benefits of peppermint oil, it is surprising that there is only limited use of this oil. While many essential oils make good household cleaners, they are too diluted to effectively combat odor problems at home. Therefore, they will not be of much help if you want to freshen up your breath or if you want to stay healthy.

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