Benefits of extra Virgin olive oil

benefits of extra virgin olive oil

Olive oil has been a mainstay of the Mediterranean diet for centuries. The typical Western diet lacks components of dietary fibre and essential minerals that are found in the diet of people in the Mediterranean region. However, even those people in the Western world who follow a healthy diet still include large amounts of unhealthy fat and sugar in their diets. Olive oil’s health benefits can help alleviate these deficiencies. Olive oil benefits include:

Benefits of extra Virgin olive oil

* Lowering your risk of heart disease. Studies indicate that monounsaturated fat from olives helps to lower your risk of heart disease. It lowers your LDL (“bad” cholesterol) by reducing plaque buildup in the arteries. If you add olive oil to your diet, especially eating the Extra Virgin Olive oil, you can also significantly reduce your blood pressure. This oil also helps to lower the absorption of cholesterol from food and lowers levels of triglycerides.

* Use olive oil directly on the skin. It can be applied topically to dry and irritated skin. If you want to moisturize your skin without adding any additional moisturizer, you can use this oil. Simply mix it with a little water and massage the oil onto your dry skin. Then use circular movements to spread the moisturizer.

* Use extra virgin olive oil to moisturize your hair. When you apply olive oil to your hair, it creates a protective coating that locks in moisture without over-moisturizing your hair. For best results, you should use extra virgin olive oil that was produced without having any chemicals added. Other oils can have chemicals added to them that can strip your hair of its natural oils. Other benefits of olive oil include reducing dandruff, healing damaged hair and nourishing your scalp and follicles.

* Use extra virgin olive oil to hydrate and strengthen your skin. One of the best health benefits of olive oil is the way it nourishes and soothes your skin. It makes your skin look healthy and vibrant. You can add a few drops of this essential oil to your normal moisturizer for instant benefits.

* Use olive oil to fight common colds. Like many essential oils, monounsaturated fat is considered to be an antioxidant. Antioxidants help remove free radicals that damage cells. A diet rich in monounsaturated fat may help protect you against colds and flu. A study published in the Journal of Alternative Medicine reported that women who increased their intake of monounsaturated fat cut their chances of developing hot flashes by almost 60 percent.

* Boost your immune system with health benefits of olive oil. One of the most important health benefits of this essential oil is that it contains high amounts of antioxidants. Antioxidants work to fight against damage done by free radicals and other molecules that are caused by lifestyle factors, pollution in the air, and more. Free radicals are one of the major reasons that inflammation occurs.

* Use olive oil to help you get rid of pimples. One of the key ways that you can get rid of pimples is to use high-quality topical products that contain olive oil and other organic ingredients. The high quality of these products will help to moisturize your skin and keep it looking clear and fresh. If you want to learn how to get rid of pimples and other acne breakouts, do not apply acne products directly to your face. Make sure that you let the products dry on your skin before you touch anything to it.

* Use extra virgin olive oil directly on your skin. This is an excellent way to moisturize your body from the inside out. The high quality of the oil will make it very effective at healing the internal organs and systems of your body while providing you with excellent benefits to help your skin look great.

* Use extra virgin olive oil to improve your memory. One of the best health benefits of extra virgin olive oil is that it works as an effective mind body remedy. It has been known to help reduce stress and anxiety. Stress and anxiety is known to have negative effects on the body and your overall health. Many people use extra virgin olive oil to relax and ease their minds, which is just what you need to think clear and improve your memory.

There are many other health benefits of extra virgin olive oil, just a few of them listed here. Extra virgin olive oil is an excellent fat burner, and a natural moisturizer for your skin. It has lots of vitamins and antioxidants. You can easily improve your health and prevent or reduce illness simply by using extra virgin olive oil. It is also very easy to get, affordable and convenient to use.


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